

Interaction is the life function which enables living things to capture information called stimuli. The stimuli lead to a response in the living thing. Produce a response, several different structures are necessary.

-Receptors: sensory cells that receive stimuli from the external or internal environment. The receptors are the sense organs.

-Coordinations and regulators: the two organ systems that use the information received by the receptors to produce a response are the nervous system and the endocrine system.

-Effectors: produce responses to stimuli:

-The musculoskeletal system produces a motor response: movement.

-Glands produce a secretory response: saliva, sweat, or mother´s milk.


Receptors can be single cells, like the tactile hairs of insects, or groups of cells, sense organs, like the eye or the ear. Receptors are classified by the type of stimulus that they detect.


Function: detect light.

Compound eye is made up of many independent units called ommatidia.

Simple eyes, called ocelli, of vertebrates and some arthropods.


Function: detect movement, touch, pressure, pain and sound.

Tactile hairs and insects.

Lateral lines in fish.

Corpuscles in the skin of mammals that are sensitive to pressure and touch.


Function: detect chemical substances in the environment.

Olfactory smell: in nasal cavities of vertebrates and in antennae of invertebrates.

Gustatory taste: on the tongue of mammals and insect mouthparts and legs.


Function: dectect temperature changes in the environment.

Pit organs in some snakes.

Corpuscles in the skin of mammals that are sensitive to heat and cold.

Antennae in insects.

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