

  • Animals transport  the gases and nutients in the circulatory system .This system comsist of several element :
  1. Circulatory liquid. It transport oxygen and nutriends to the cells and  to the  body ,and carried  carbon dioxide and other waste products .In vertebrates , this liquid  is called blood and is red .In the molluscs and arthropods  this liquid is a colourless fluid called hemolymph.
  2. blood vessels :these tube carried blood
  • Arteries carry blood away from the heart
  1. Veins carry blood back to the heart 
  2. capillares are tiny blood vessel than exchange subtances
  • heart is a organ and poomp bloodare
  •      2 tipes of circulatory systems
  1. open is tipical of mollusc and arthropods
  2. close  thy type is tipical    of aracnids